Taniart - Tania Anile's website

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Tania Anile's biography

Tania Anile while painting

Tania Anile has been born in Catania and lives and works in Milan. She has reached the practice of the pictorial expression in adult age, through the courses of a good milanese painter and teacher, Marisa Vanetti. The passion for painting has soon become for her a new way to explore herself and the outer world. Faithful to the colors of her earth of origin, Sicily, to which she is strongly tied up, she reproduces in her works the winding light which floods your eyes, the warm sun that one feels also on the skin.

The fabric of its inspiration seems to originate from a "elsewhere" that she likes to define "the space of the internal creative dream." Its landscapes, the foreshortening of life and the angles of view that she has a preference for, trace the contours of a world which has the consistence and tangibility of the carrying dreams which weave and model our lives. Through her brushstrokes it seems to emerge the fabric and the matrix in formation of a new world, absorbed in a rustling wait, endowed with some additional degrees of liberty, and vibrating according to a sort of richer and articulated chromatic staircase. So, waiting for us to physically reach it, like a bridge suspended toward the future, this world permeates of wonder and peace our better dreams, as the cheerful creative imaginations of the visionary minds often do.

Tania Anile takes part:

2005 - Mostra collettiva studi artistici - Fornace Curti Milano;

2005 - Collettiva “Autoritratto” Sassetti Cultura Milano;

2005 - Collettiva “Mini quadro” Associazione Arte Barocco Milano;

2006 - Mostra collettiva studi artistici - Fornace Curti Milano;

2006 - Mostra "4artist4lgjeans", opera pittorica realizzata su jeans Lifegate, in occasione della loro presentazione al Sun Party – Arese (Mi);

2007 - Concorso 1° Premio Nazionale “Città di Montecatini” - premio di riconoscimento;

2007 - Mostra collettiva studi artistici - Fornace Curti Milano;

2007 - Collettiva - "Tutti per uno" Sassetti Cultura - Milano;

2007 - Mostra personale - "Attivazioni Cromatiche" - Milano;

2008 - Mostra collettiva - "Quarta rassegna Milano3 vive l´arte" - Basiglio, Milano 3;

2008 - Asta presso l´Excelsior Palace Hotel di Taormina;

2008 - Mostra collettiva "Linguaggi contemporanei" - Taormina;

2008 - Mostra collettiva "Autunno sul lago" - Basiglio, Milano 3;

2009 - XXII° Edizione di "Arte sul Naviglio Grande", Milano;

2009 - Mostra collettiva "Autunno sul lago" - Basiglio, Milano 3;

2010 - XXIII° Edizione di "Arte sul Naviglio Grande", Milano

2011 - VII Rassegna di Pittura - MILANO TRE VIVE L'ARTE;

2011 - Mostra Premio - CITTA' DI FOGLIZZO (TO)


2011 - Mostra collettiva "Arte per Regalo" from 12 December 2011 to January 18 2012 - Milano

2012 - XXV° Edizione di "Arte sul Naviglio Grande", Milano;

> Take a look at all the paintings of Tania Anile